1. 你好!(こんにちは!)- Hello!
2. 謝謝!(ありがとう!)- Thank you!
3. 不客氣!(どういたしますか?)- You're welcome!
4. 我叫小明。(私は小明です。)- My name is Xiaoming.
5. 你叫什么名字?(なには名前を持っていますか?)- What's your name?
6. 我很高興認識你。(我が喜びです。)- I'm happy to meet you.
7. 請多關照。(お願いします。)- Take care of yourself.
8. 再見!(さようなら!)- Bye!
9. 明天見!(明日見!)- See you tomorrow!
10. 請問洗手間在哪里?(洗手間はどこにあるのですか?)- Where is the bathroom, please?
11. 謝謝你的幫助!(ありがとうございます!)- Thank you for your help!
12. 對不起,我不明白。(失禮します。)- I'm sorry, I don't understand.
13. 請慢慢說。(請徐々説くことを。)- Please speak slowly.
14. 請問這個怎么用?(このを使う方法は何ですか?)- How do I use this?
15. 多少錢?(多少円ですか?)- How much does it cost?
16. 我想買一瓶水。(我想買瓶水。)- I want to buy a bottle of water.
17. 請問附近有沒有餐廳?(近くにも料理店がいるのですか?)- Are there any restaurants nearby?
18. 我們去吃飯吧!(だいたい食事に行こう!)- Let's go eat!
19. 請問這家店怎么樣?(この店は良いですか?)- How about this restaurant?
20. 我想吃拉面。(我想食べ拉面。)- I want to eat ramen.
21. 請問這個菜單上有什么推薦嗎?(本いてのメニューに何か推薦していますか?)- Do you have any recommendations on the menu?
22. 請給我來一份炒飯。(請けて盤飯を伝えていただけますか?)- Could you please give me a fried rice dish?
23. 請問這個飲料是什么味道?(この飲料は何味ですか?)- What flavor is this drink?
24. 我想喝可樂。(我想食べ可樂。)- I want to drink cola.
25. 請問這個蛋糕好吃嗎?(この蛋糕美味しますか?)- Is this cake delicious?
26. 我想吃巧克力蛋糕。(我想食べ巧克力蛋糕。)- I want to eat chocolate cake.
27. 請問這個披薩多少錢?(この披薩は何円ですか?)- How much is this pizza?
28. 我想吃意大利面。(我想食べ意式麺。)- I want to eat spaghetti.
29. 請問這個漢堡包多少錢?(この堡は何円ですか?)- How much is this hamburger?
30. 我想吃三明治。(我想食べ三文治。)- I want to eat a sandwich.
31. 請問這個咖啡怎么樣?(本いての紹茶は何味ですか?)- How is this coffee?
32. 我想喝拿鐵咖啡。(我想食べ拿鐵咖啡。)- I want to drink latte coffee.
33. 請問這個冰淇淋多少錢?(本いての冰淇淋は何円ですか?)- How much is this ice cream?
34. 我想吃冰淇淋。(我想食べ冰淇淋。)- I want to eat ice cream.
35. 請問這個壽司多少錢?(本いての壽司は何円ですか?)- How much is this sushi?
36. 我想吃生魚片。(我想食べ生魚片。)- I want to eat sashimi.
37. 請問這個天婦羅多少錢?(本いての天婦羅は何円ですか?)- How much is this tempura?
38. 我想吃炸蝦。(我想食べ天丼料理。)- I want to eat fried shrimps.
39. 請問這個烏冬面多少錢?(本いての麺料理は何円ですか?)- How much is this udon noodles?
40. 我想吃拉面。(我想食べ拉面。)- I want to eat ramen.
41. 請問這個燉菜怎么做?(本いての燉菜は何通り作る必要があるですか?)- How do you make this stewed dish?
42. 我想吃紅燒肉。(我想食べ紅燒肉。)- I want to eat braised pork belly.
43. 請問這個炒面怎么做?(本いての炒面は何通り作る必要があるですか?)- How do you make this fried noodle dish?
44. 我想吃炒飯。(我想食べ炒飯。)- I want to eat fried rice.
45. 請問這個湯怎么做?(本いての湯は何通り作る必要があるですか?)- How do you make this soup?
46. 我想喝雞湯。(我想食べ雞湯。)- I want to drink chicken soup.
47. 請問這個酸奶怎么樣?(本いての酸乳酪は何味ですか?)- How is this yogurt taste like?
48. 我想喝酸奶。(我想食べ酸乳酪。)- I want to drink yogurt.
49. 請問這個果汁怎么樣?(本いての果汁は何味ですか?)- How is this juice taste like?
50. 我想喝橙汁。(我想食べ橙汁。)- I want to drink orange juice.
51. 請問這個啤酒多少錢一瓶?(本いての啤酒は何円瓶ですか?)- How much is a bottle of beer here?
52. 我想喝啤酒。(我想食べ啤酒。)- I want to drink beer.