1. 你好 (nani o) - Hello!
2. 謝謝 (arigatou) - Thank you!
3. 不客氣 (gozaimasu) - You're welcome!
4. 對不起 (sumimasen) - I'm sorry!
5. 沒關系 (daikaku da) - It's okay!
6. 請 (keigo) - Please!
7. 再見 (adieu) - Goodbye!
8. 早上好 (oje wa naruyo) - Good morning!
9. 晚上好 (oje wa yarou) - Good evening!
10. 今天天氣真好 (konnichiwa, arasawa na koyoi) - Today the weather is really nice!
11. 我很喜歡這個城市 (watashitachi dekiru koto wa arui) - I really like this city!
12. 我想去旅行 (wodango toru yo) - I want to travel!
13. 你吃飯了嗎?(Tashiku iinda keii?) - Have you eaten yet?
14. 我們一起去吃飯吧!(Watashi wa mou onaji kako ii desu ka?) - Let's go eat together!
15. 我想喝點兒咖啡 (Ichido koffee hitoite imasu ka?) - I'd like to have some coffee, please.
16. 我想買個禮物送給我的朋友 (Watashi wa mune no koibito to omotenashi shite imasu ka?) - I want to buy a gift for my friend.
17. 我想學日語 (Watashi wa nani no kotoba o faitoeru ka?) - I want to learn Japanese.
18. 我正在學習日語 (Watashi wa nani no kotoba o faitoeru ka?) - I am studying Japanese now.
19. 我很喜歡日本文化 (Watashitachi wa nani no bijin no culture o fukatte imasu ka?) - I really like Japanese culture.
20. 我最喜歡的食物是壽司 (Watashitachi no favorite tabe o sushi imasu ka?) - Sushi is my favorite food.
21. 我最喜歡的顏色是藍色 (Watashitachi no favorite color o blue imasu ka?) - My favorite color is blue.
22. 我最喜歡的運動是游泳 (Watashitachi no favorite sport o suimei imasu ka?) - My favorite sport is swimming.
23. 我最喜歡的電影是《千與千尋》 (Watashitachi no favorite movie o Chihiro no kamikazu imasu ka?) - My favorite movie is "Spirited Away".
24. 我最喜歡的歌手是周杰倫 (Watashitachi no favorite singer o Jay Chou imasu ka?) - My favorite singer is Jay Chou.
25. 我最喜歡的書是《挪威的森林》 (Watashitachi no favorite book o Noriyuki no komori imasu ka?) - My favorite book is "Norwegian Wood".
26. 我最喜歡的游戲是《動物之森》 (Watashitachi no favorite game o Animal Crossing imasu ka?) - My favorite game is "Animal Crossing".
27. 我最喜歡的地方是京都 (Watashitachi no favorite place o Kyoto imasu ka?) - My favorite place is Kyoto.
28. 我最喜歡的季節是春天 (Watashitachi no favorite season o haru imasu ka?) - My favorite season is spring.
29. 我最喜歡的節日是圣誕節 (Watashitachi no favorite festival o Sakaiganwa imasu ka?) - My favorite festival is Christmas.
30. 我最喜歡的水果是蘋果 (Watashitachi no favorite fruit o apple imasu ka?) - My favorite fruit is apple.
31. 我最喜歡的蔬菜是西紅柿 (Watashitachi no favorite vegetable o tofuimasu ka?) - My favorite vegetable is tomato.
32. 我最喜歡的飲料是可樂 (Watashitachi no favorite drink o coke imasu ka?) - My favorite drink is Coke.
33. 我最喜歡的巧克力是費列羅 (Watashitachi no favorite chocolate o Ferrero Rocher imasu ka?) - My favorite chocolate is Ferrero Rocher.
34. 我最喜歡的糖果是口香糖 (Watashitachi no favorite candy o gummy imasu ka?) - My favorite candy is gummy.
35. 我最喜歡的衣服是牛仔褲 (Watashitachi no favorite clothes o jeans imasu ka?) - My favorite clothes are jeans.
36. 我最喜歡的鞋子是運動鞋 (Watashitachi no favorite shoes o sneakers imasu ka?) - My favorite shoes are sneakers.
37. 我最喜歡的帽子是棒球帽 (Watashitachi no favorite hato baseball cap imasu ka?) - My favorite hat is a baseball cap.
38. 我最喜歡的包包是背包 (Watashitachi no favorite bago backpack imasu ka?) - My favorite bag is a backpack.
39. 我最喜歡的首飾是項鏈 (Watashitachi no favorite jewelryo necklace imasu ka?) - My favorite jewelry is a necklace。