1. 你好!(Hello!)
2. 請問洗手間在哪里?(Where is the bathroom?)
3. 對不起,我不會說日語。(Sorry, I don't speak Japanese.)
4. 請給我一杯水。(Please give me a glass of water.)
5. 謝謝!(Thank you!)
6. 不客氣!(You're welcome!)
7. 請問這里怎么走?(Excuse me, how can I get to...?)
8. 我很抱歉,我不知道。(I'm sorry, I don't know.)
9. 沒關系,我會盡力幫助你的。(It's okay, I'll do my best to help you.)
10. 再見!(Goodbye!)
11. 祝你一天愉快!(Have a nice day!)
12. 謝謝您的幫助!(Thank you for your help!)
13. 請問這里有沒有免費Wi-Fi?(Is there free Wi-Fi here?)
14. 我迷路了,請幫我指路。(I'm lost, please help me find the way.)
15. 請問這個地方有地鐵站嗎?(Excuse me, is there a subway station near here?)
16. 請問這個商品多少錢?(How much is this product?)
17. 我想買一件T恤衫。(I want to buy a T-shirt.)
18. 這個包包很漂亮,可以試一下嗎?(This bag is very beautiful, can I try it on?)
19. 我想吃壽司。(I want to eat sushi.)
20. 請問這家餐廳怎么樣?(Excuse me, what do you think of this restaurant?)
21. 這家酒店很好,我很喜歡。(This hotel is great, I really like it.)
22. 我想預訂一間房間。(I want to book a room.)
23. 請問你們有沒有空房間?(Excuse me, are there any available rooms?)
24. 我想辦理入住手續。(I want to check in.)
25. 請問我的行李放在哪里?(Excuse me, where can I put my luggage?)
26. 我的護照丟了,怎么辦?(My passport is lost, what should I do?)
27. 請問這里有沒有翻譯服務?(Excuse me, does this place offer translation services?)
28. 我想學習日語。(I want to learn Japanese.)
29. 請問這里有沒有日語課程?(Excuse me, are there any Japanese language courses here?)
30. 我想報名參加日語課程。(I want to sign up for a Japanese language course.)
31. 請問學費是多少?(How much is the tuition fee?)
32. 我想了解一下課程安排。(I want to know about the class schedule.)
33. 請問上課時間是什么時候?(When are the classes held?)
34. 我想預約一節課。(I want to make an appointment for a class.)
35. 請問你們的授課方式是怎樣的?(Excuse me, what is your teaching method like?)
36. 我們可以通過視頻教學的方式學習日語。(We can learn Japanese through video teaching methods.)
37. 我覺得這種方式很有趣。(I think this way is very interesting.)
38. 我想請教一下這個問題。(I want to ask about this question.)
39. 請問這個問題怎么解決?(Excuse me, how can we solve this problem?)
40. 我覺得這個方法很有用。(I think this method is very useful.)
41. 我想請教一下這個問題的答案。(I want to ask for the answer to this question